How to apply for a refund ?

Please note that if you apply for a refund, the amount of funds returned will be reduced by the Euro 300 application fee (which is non-refundable).We are not responsible for any fees imposed on the transfer by intermediary banks.


Please send the required documents to 

Refund application to be accepted must be prepared and delivered within particular interval:

- for winter intake: March 15th till May 15th

- for summer intake: October 15th till December 15th

If the requirement is not met within above intervals candidate funds and application will be automatically continued for the next intake. 

The refunds will be made in tranches. The Financial Department will proceed with the transfer within 30 working (except SAT, SUN and Polish banking holidays) after receiving full information from the student.

Normally, you will be eligible for a refund (less Euro 300,- application fee) in the event that you have applied for a visa to study at WSG University and this has been refused by the Polish Embassy.


We will not refund the deposit if your visa application was declined on the grounds of the submission of falsified documentation or information or undeclared criminal convictions.

Normally, you will not be eligible for a refund if :

1. You decide to no longer take up the offer of a place on the programme at the University

2. You do not secure funding for your programme of study

3. You enroll at WSG University and withdraw/have been withdrawn from your studies at any time before completion of the programme


All refund requests must be received within 90 days of the visa refusal notice.

Any offer-holder who wishes to defer their place to the following year will have their deposit deferred; this will not be refunded.







WSG University
Garbary 2
85-229 Bydgoszcz
Phone number: 52 567 00 00


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