If you have not found a solution to your problem, please send a question to interrecruitment@byd.pl


1.    Do I need a language certificate to apply to the WSG University?

If English is not your first language, you will be required to demonstrate an acceptable level of both written and spoken English before being accepted onto one of our programmes. You will need a valid English language certificate to apply for the bachelor and master degree programmes.

2.    How to apply for visa?

To obtain a national visa type "D", which entitles you to stay in Poland over 90 days, you have to submit an application, within a period not less than a week before planned departure. Visa type “D” allows you to stay and study in Poland.

3.    What do I do if my visa is due to expire?

If your visa is due to expire you have to apply to extend it in your home country. Member countries can issue visas type "D" up to an annual period of validity (max. 1 year). The other option is to apply for residence card in Bydgoszcz. International Recruitment Office can guide you through the procedures.

4.    Do I need a visa to travel around Europe?

If you have visa type “D” you can travel in the Schengen area without any other permissions. All "D" visas entitle to move around the Schengen area for three months in any six-month period.

5.    Does the University help in finding suitable accommodation?

The University cooperates with several dormitories in Bydgoszcz. These dormitories belong to other universities however, all international students who come to Bydgoszcz can apply for a place there. Please note that places are limited. If you do not get a place in a dormitory you can rent a room or a flat by private renting.

6.    Where can I get help with private accommodation issues?

Here are some useful websites:

However, these websites are run only in Polish.  So, you might need help from Study Buddy or anyone who speaks Polish.  

7.    How does remote learning works? 

We are planning to deliver all the lectures using the remote form, most of them in the form you know so far - scripts, presentations, films, scans, etc. Some classes will be held in the form of synchronous meetings with lecturers using MS Teams application. The material from these classes will be created for you in the Stream application and can be accessed via links in the appropriate area on the ONTE platform.

8.   Will all offered courses of study be opened? 

Each course of study on offer will be opened if a suitable group of students is gathered. Otherwise, candidates will be offered to join another active course of study or reimbursed.

9.    Does the university allow online studying ? 

Unfortunately, studying fully online is not possible. However, to ensure the well-being of students and to meet the difficulties associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, the university has prepared a hybrid study organisation combining remote and traditional teaching. A student who has been granted a visa will have the opportunity to complete the first semester online.

10. Doesn't the value of a diploma acquired through hybrid (face-to-face + online) studies differ from the traditional method?

No, value of the diploma after finishing program involving blended methot of learning will not be any differen that to those awarding finishing regular education. 

11. Can the university help me get a visa?

According to information received from the Embassies, visa proces is between candidate and the Embassy. University is not included. We could suport you with information useful for succesful outcome such as information about University, City and Country.

12.  Is it safe to study in Bydgoszcz, Poland?

The region where WSG University is located is one of the few COVID-19 infections in Poland. None of the employees or students have been diagnosed as sick. The University makes every effort to ensure safe space on campus.

13.  What if I get a visa but cannot come to Poland due to lack of flights?

Every candidate who receives a visa will be entitled to enter into an agreement to study remotely and start learning on our online platforms. The first semester of studies can be completed fully remotely. Thanks to this solution, the university wants to help students to continue their studies freely and not interrupt their career development plans through the obstacle which is the COVID-19 pandemic.

14.  Is the university sure to start studies at the offered faculties?

WSG University makes every effort to ensure that every area of study for which candidates apply is opened. This is because we choose our offer very responsibly. The reprehensible behaviour of other universities in the region, which advertise courses they are unable to open, is something contrary to the philosophy of our university.

15.  What documents should I prepare before coming to Poland?

Every foreign student coming to study in Poland should have a legalised diploma/certificate (legalization of the local ministry + Polish embassy) and if you are a candidate for a bachelor's degree ( Eligibility letter ). In addition, the candidate should have a current medical certificate (confirming the ability to take up studies), travel insurance, photos and a certificate of English language skills (if you do not come from a country in which English is the mandatory language).

16.  What is an Eligibility letter ?

It is a letter issued by a secondary school or the local ministry of education confirming that the student is entitled to study in the country of origin according to the local education system.

17.   Does he need an English language certificate?

Yes, if you start your studies in English, you need a certificate at B1 level (according to CEFR System). If you do not have any university, it provides the possibility of taking the certification exams for a fee. The certificate is not required if you have studied in English (the certificate) or come from a country where English is the official language.

18.    When do I have to arrive for my studies? Can I arrive late?

If you cannot arrive on time please let us know. It is possible to arrive late and join the group later, but only if you have an important reason.

19.    How do I open a bank account?

The International Recruitment Office is ready to help you with opening a bank account. Notice that bank account cannot be opened by person under the age of 18. Otherwise, the bank account have to be opened by student’s parent or legal tutor.

20.    Can I work while I study in the Poland?

Yes, you can work in Poland without any work permission under one condition – you have to study stationary.

21. I'm struggling with my course, who can I ask for help/advice?

The WSG University provides help for students struggling with studies. Each and every group has its own tutor, who can give you an advice and help. If tutor is not able to help you there is coordinator in each Institute. And, don’t forget about Study Buddy, maybe his advice will be enough!

22. I am feeling homesick, how can I deal with it?

The first thing to remember is, that you are not alone. Although it may seem as if everyone else is having a wonderful time and not having any problems at all, everyone feels a little homesick from time to time. Some may deal with it better than others, but it is completely normal. Remember to give yourself time to adjust. Meet people through shared activities such as sport or other interests. There are many clubs and societies within the university and city, that you are very likely to find something that suits your interests. 

23. Where I can find my Department on campus?


Coordinator: Joanna Kulczycka e'mail: 

tel. (52) 567 00 33


Coordinator: Adrianna Bartnicka
tel. (52) 567 00 83

INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Build. F (Garbary St. entrance)
Coordinator: Karolina Machowska
e'mail: karolina.machowska@byd.pl 
tel. (52) 567 07 80


Coordinator: Anna Kordylas
e'mail: anna kordylas@byd.pl
tel. (52) 567 00 57 or (52) 567 00 71


Coordinator: Daria Mędelska-Guz
e'mail: daria.medelska@byd.pl
tel. (52) 567 00 11

Coordinator: Marika Skrzyszewska
e'mail: marika.skrzyszewska@byd.pl
tel. (52) 567 07 01

Coordinator: Filip Wiśniewski
e'mail: filip.wisniewski@byd.pl
nr tel. (52) 567 07 02

Coordinator: Dominika Soboczyńska
e'mail: dominika.soboczynska@byd.pl
 tel. (52) 567 00 20

Coordinator: Małgorzata Rogacewicz
e'mail: malgorzata.rogacewicz@byd.pl 
tel. (52) 567 07 26



WSG University
Garbary 2
85-229 Bydgoszcz
Phone number: 52 567 00 00
E-mail: dsm@byd.pl


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