Exhibition of urban projects within the framework of the international project SAFE


Throughout the concluding week, a group of project participants – WSG students and partner universities from Finland, Spain, Germany and Slovenia – worked on their original ideas for alternative urban development of five selected locations within Downtown, Okola and Old Town. 

The task of the mixed-nationality student teams was to improve the accessibility, safety and inclusiveness of the above-mentioned sites in our city in terms of the needs of different social groups: families with children, seniors, people with disabilities, migrant women and neuroatypical people (Asperger's, autism). Students visited as part of their work:
Old Market;
Piast Square;
Obrońców Bydgoszczy Street;
Chelminska Street with Chelminska Square;
Wrocławska Street.
They talked to residents, learned about their needs, and looked at the development, infrastructure and organization of urban space, as well as the changes taking place in it. 
The concluding exhibition of the workshop is part of the international project "SAFE – Sustainable Accessible Future Environments" carried out in a consortium of 5 universities: WSG, Laurea University (Finland), University of Granada (Spain), Academy of Applied Sciences Kiel (Germany) and University of Ljubljana (Slovenia – consortium leader).

The project is funded by the ERASMUS+ program.

More pictures: here



WSG University
Garbary 2
85-229 Bydgoszcz
Phone number: 52 567 00 00
E-mail: dsm@byd.pl


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